A brave 19-year-old girl from Karachi named Ayesha Rashan underwent a life-saving heart transplant in Chennai, India. She made the journey in search of a new heart, generously donated by a 69-year-old person. The procedure, which cost over INR 3.5 million, was essential as Ayesha had faced severe health challenges since her heart stopped working five years ago. Despite initially receiving a temporary solution to support her heart, Ayesha's condition worsened in 2023, necessitating urgent intervention.
In 2019, doctors in India recommended a heart transplant for Ayesha. However, due to financial constraints, her family had to wait until her health deteriorated further to seek help again. Finally, on January 31, 2024, Ayesha received her new heart in Chennai. The medical team emphasized that this operation was her only chance for survival, making its success crucial to her future well-being.
Fortunately, the surgery was successful, and Ayesha is now on the path to recovery. Her dream is to return to Karachi, complete her schooling, and pursue a career as a fashion designer. The financial burden of the medical bills was eased by the NGO Aishwarya Trust, along with donations from compassionate individuals, including doctors and former patients. Ayesha's journey serves as a poignant reminder of the power of collaboration across borders in saving lives and spreading hope.